Georgia Bulldogs Dawg Tweets: Beating Auburn already, and another Dawg in the NFL

The summer is coming to a close, and as fall nears the Georgia Bulldogs and all the Bulldog Nation are thanking the heavens they only have one more Saturday until the boys in red and black take on Clemson.

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I apologize that this week’s edition of Dawg Tweets is a little later than usual, but I was in Athens doing some preseason celebrating with all the other great people from Dawn of the Dawg. This week we have some NFL preseason tweets, some tweets from practice, and of course our standard nonsense. Let’s get started!

As many of you know Aaron Murray will be playing for the Kansas City Chiefs tonight and a former Dawg on the Panthers took a second to welcome him and his family to Carolina. The bond of Dawg nation is always a strong one!

Ray Drew shoots a vine of how excited the Georgia players were about camp being over.

Congrats to UGA women’s soccer! We love to beat Auburn at anything!

Coach Mark Fox is excited about seeing all the fans at picture day. I love how much this guy loves UGA! Hopefully one day he will learn how to hashtag though #YouCantUsePunctuation

I love when I see a family all go to Georgia. Whether it be the Murray’s, Bailey’s, Butler’s, Stinchcomb’s it is great to see that family loyalty. Here is a nice photo of three players who have a history of snapping for UGA. Give the snappers some love y’all!

Blake Sailors gets the call to head to Pittsburgh! Very excited anytime a Georgia player gets a chance to play at the next level. Good luck Blake!

Matt Stinchcomb interviews Hutson Mason and Todd Gurley for the SEC Network.

UGA women’s tennis has released their schedule so check it out here and make sure you support all of our student athletes!

The football players are not the only ones excited about the season! Our UGA cheerleaders are back together and ready to cheer our boys on to a national title!

I always love the reactions from the players on the day they get to go to the Ramsey! Great stuff!

It is very sad when a player cannot play anymore and the players definitely are sad to not be able to play with Merritt Hall anymore. Todd Gurley took to twitter to show how much he will miss this player and friend.

To end this weeks Dawg Tweets I want to thank all of the people and players who have provided me an awesome week of watching them dump ice cold water on their head. I love when there is money being raised and shenanigans to be had. This challenge meant a little more to current Georgia player Watts Dantzler who lost his father to ALS.