Dawgs Prep For Scrimmage


The Dawgs altered their daily routine slightly today, spending the day primarily preparing for Wednesday’s final live scrimmage of their preseason camp.

“I thought it was a good, productive day, and I’m hoping tomorrow will be even more productive,” coach Mark Richt said.

The Dawgs practiced for less than 90 minutes in jerseys and shorts, walking through numerous offensive and defensive sets. Approximately every
20 minutes, the team broke from football drills and conducted brief conditioning runs.

“Today we decided to have a walk through to try to prepare them as we want them to look tomorrow for the practice game,” Richt said. “We gave them a
little bit of a break from the hitting, but we did so in the heat and we did conditioning every 20 minutes to try to get them in condition for the heat.
Hopefully we allowed the special teams to learn how the looks we want them to give should look tomorrow.”

Richt wants to emulate game conditions as much as possible on Wednesday.

“We don’t get a preseason game so tomorrow is as close as we’re going to get,” Richt said. “We’re going to play a half of football and do our normal
pre-game warm-up. We’ll choose captains and simulate a coin toss. We’ll kick it off like a regular game. We’ll have our coaches situated up or down where they’ll be during the season. We’ll have the clock going. We’ll have SEC officials. We’ll have everything as close as possible except for the crowd

“We want them to get used to (game conditions),” Richt continued. “We haven’t transitioned from kick off coverage to defense, from punt return or
block to offense, from extra point/field goal to kicking off.”

While the Bulldogs are yet to release a depth chart for the opener, Richt expects the personnel representing Georgia in the scrimmage to most likely play early against Louisiana-Lafayette.

“The coaches are basically putting together the game utilizing everyone we think will play in the first half and everyone else goes to Louisiana-Lafayette,” Richt said. “In cases, we’ll be two-to-three deep. In some cases, that might just be two-deep. For instance, we have some sets that might have all three tight ends in the game on the goal line. The only thing that won’t be first teams on the Georgia sideline will be some special teamers. They might play offense or defense for Louisiana-Lafayette and have to cross over and put on a vest to show that they’re ‘Georgia.'”

The Bulldogs’ final scrimmage will be Friday.

“This is our last scrimmage that will be live,” Richt said. “We’ll have a situational scrimmage that will be ‘thud.’ If situations don’t occur tomorrow, we may have to fabricate them on Friday.”