WAR DAMN EAGLE????????????


Well the Tigers, Eagles, Plainsmen (whatever the hell they are), whether we Dawgs like it or not, won the SEC Championship game fair and square (if you do not count the paid for “ringer” named Cam Newton, and trust me, sooner or later when the dust settles, that’s what the facts will reveal) and are headed to the National Championship Game against Quack! Quack! No, not the AFLAC Duck, but the Oregon Ducks.  The question is, how should we, as Dawgs, feel about this?

Some of us who bleed red and black have told me they feel as follows:

1)      I hope Cam Newton doesn’t get the Heisman; or

2)      I hope Auburn gets their tails beaten by Oregon; or

3)      I hope Auburn wins, and then the following day they find that Auburn or a booster paid for Newton’s recruitment; he knew about it; and all games won by Auburn the entire season are forfeited; etc.

Well, although I certainly understand where these folks are coming from, and admittedly Auburn is certainly not one of my favorite teams (albeit on the hate list they fall way behind Florida), I just cannot agree with their philosophy at this point.  The fact is that on paper, at least at this point, although we all know it is total “bullshit” and this has been one huge snow job by the NCAA, Cam Newton has been an eligible player throughout the season.  The fact is, regardless of his questionable character, piss poor upbringing, and disgusting huge white toothy grin, HE IS ONE HELL OF AN ATHLETE!  The fact is, Auburn has an unbeaten season, which is truly remarkable not only in the NCAA these days, but especially in the SEC.  The fact is, it is not Auburn, nor their football team, nor their coaching staff, nor their fans that caused the Georgia Dawgs to totally suck this year, and begin the “sucking” downfall two years ago.  We did that all on our own with poor coaching, recruiting, and policy.

Therefore, I think at this point it would be nothing but poor sportsmanship for any fan of an SEC team to not support and pull for the Auburn Tigers in this Championship game (Yes, even Crimson Tide Fans).  This is the SEC! The best damn NCAA football conference in existence.  We have won, I believe, the last 4 BCS Championships (2007-2010) and we are now in it for 2011.  It is very much akin to a national political election.  The Democrats and Republicans alike want to kill each other during the in-party fighting for the nomination, but once the party has nominated a candidate then it is “rally round” the party and support the candidate, no matter what, against the opposition.  It should be absolutely no different here.

I want Auburn to beat Oregon, and I want them to win big!  That is only going to make our conference look that much better.  We should actually be thanking the Tigers for allowing the SEC to be represented in the BCS Championship game once again.  Obviously, no one else in our conference was up for the challenge this year.

To my sweet, sweet friends from PCB, who are Auburn fans through and through, (and YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE)   that said to me, “We pulled for Alabama last year, we are proud of our Tigers this year, and next year it will be the DAWGS turn:”  I say thank you so much for the sentiment, but alas our shot was three years ago when we were ranked number one, right off the boot and the team and coaching staff jointly choked as soon as the games started.  In other words, I dream of hitting the Florida Lotto every month, but it just never seems to happen!






By: Dawgman1973 (Gary K.) Lead-Blogger “Dawn of the Dawg”