Georgia football now turns its attention to Jacksonville, Fl., and the annual cocktail party with the swamp creatures.
It’s the week nothing gets done in the state of Georgia – get up y’all, it’s time for Georgia-Florida!
I started at the University of Georgia in the fall of 1998. All I heard about that fall was the big win over the University of Florida the previous season.
Georgia was a 20 point underdog and ended up winning by 20. I won a ticket to Georgia/Florida that fall through the freshman ticket lottery and was off to Jacksonville with my friends. Well, we went and we lost. Again in 1999 and in 2000, then 2001 and 2002…you get it.
We won in the fall of 2004 when I was at home on bedrest with my oldest daughter. Talk about being upset.
All that aside, watching us lose year and after year really put a bad taste in my mouth for these lizards. Spurrier was a jerk. Zook wasn’t any better. Don’t get me started on Urban “I need time with my family…until Ohio State came calling” Meyer. And Tebow. Ugh. Timmy Tebow. The tide has turned now and we have a 3 game win streak and look to add a 4th to it this weekend.
Let’s take a few moments and go over the dos and don’ts for this week…
Do take time this week to remember good times past, such as these…
Don’t wear anything with orange or the orange/blue combination. I’m not sure why you would own anything with that anyway.
Rednecks turn orange in the Fall #BeatFlorida
— Mike BIG DAWG Woods (@MWoods_BigDawg) October 22, 2014
Do be careful if you are heading to Frat Beach this weekend.
Don’t lower yourself to the level of the Gators in the who-is-best debate. Georgia owns the series 50-40-2. Most Gators only remember 1990-present. They tend to forget about anything before that.
At The Arch right now.
— Logan Booker (@LoganMBooker) October 24, 2014
The @OkefenokeeOar#WLOCP
Do remember all those times we lost over the past 25 years and truly relish what Florida is going through right now.
— BLW (@blwright1966) October 24, 2014
And the most important don’t of all… Don’t wear jean shorts.
It's that time of year. Gators wear jean shorts. #UGA #SEC #GoDawgs #GatorNation
— Brandon Howell (@BrandonDHowell) October 27, 2014
Happy Georgia-Florida Week! It’s great to be a Gator Hater! Go Dawgs!