Georgia Football Hosts Coronation: the Reincarnation of Uga

Crowning its tenth Uga, the Bulldog Nation again celebrates the greatest collegiate mascot ever at the Georgia Southern – Georgia football game.

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No, Caesar shall not: danger knows full well

That Caesar is more dangerous than he:

We are two lions litter’d in one day, And I the elder and more terrible:

And Caesar shall go forth.

Uga is reincarnated: Russ retires and Que accepts the mantle of Uga X.

Hail Caesar!

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While the unfortunate must seek inspiration from live chickens perched on sticks, old cars and people dressed up as nuts, not to mention Conestoga wagons named for land rush  cheaters  – how ignominious, the Bulldog Nation continues to enjoy the greatest mascot in college sports.

The tenth English bulldog pet of the Sonny Seiler family, Que is be to coronated Uga X at the Georgia-Georgia Southern football game on Saturday, Nov. 21.

”Uga is cherished by University of Georgia fans worldwide,” said President Jere W. Morehead. ”We are grateful for Russ’s dedicated service, and we look forward to welcoming Que as our new mascot.”

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Serving first as interim mascot and later elevated to Uga, Russ, the half-brother of Uga VII, compiled an overall record of 44-19.

Que auditioned for the Uga post during this season and the smaller Bulldog proved unimpressed by hostile crowds on the road while relishing the attention of Bulldog fans at home.

”We are thrilled to have Que join our long line of mascots and he has already proven to be up to the task of serving as our official mascot,” said J. Reid Parker Director of Athletics Greg McGarity.  ”We tip our cap to Russ, who served admirably as UGA IX and has been a great mentor to Que, UGA X.

And there is this from McGarity. ”We also thank the remarkable Seiler family for their continued support of our program in such a special way.”

Indeed, the continuous line of Georgia Bulldog mascots has been owned by the Frank W. “Sonny” Seiler family of Savannah since 1956. Not only has Uga been present at games, picture days and notable ceremonies, Georgia fans are spared the embarrassment of seeing Uga appear in billboard product endorsments or at super market openings. The Ugas, thanks to the Seiler family, have been the embodiment of class, loyalty and tradition.

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