Georgia Football Mixology: The Deep South’s Oldest Cocktail

The Georgia football team takes the field against Auburn as Joey and Josh serve you up the perfect cocktail for an early start to your tailgating day! 

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Welcome back Dawg fans! Your faithful guide on the road to cocktail Valhalla has been doing a bit of traveling this week, so we are going to have to cut our time together shorter than usual. But, fear not, we will be right back to form next week as Georgia takes on Georgia Southern in a

highly anticipated

mediatory night tilt.

But for now we focus on Auburn as the bulldogs head into Jordan-Hare Stadium for the first time since that thing that happened. But let’s not dwell on the past. The series stands 55-55-8 with Georgia in position to take a series lead which would be their first in over 30 years. It’s another noon tilt, or an 11am showdown if you are “on the plains” for this one, so let’s make sure you have plenty to drink at your tailgate for before or after what looks to be a complete toss-up of a game. Here is where Joey Vargas, head bartender at American Whiskey NYC comes in…



1. In a tin (or a solo cup, whoa re we kidding) muddle 2 thin cucumber slices and a orange wedge.*

2. Add

.5oz lime juice

.5oz falernum, you remember that right? If falernum isn’t available simple syrup will do.

.5oz Lillet rouge**

1.5 oz of blanco tequila, I used Espolon for this one**

*Peel off the rind.  It has a bitter flavor we’re trying to avoid for this one.

**Lillet is a French aperitif wine. Stuff is delicious drink it on the rocks with a twist in the summer. Good stuff!

***Fun fact Justin Noel national brand ambassador for Espolon is a HUGE dawgs fan and a really solid dude! Support those Dawgs!

3. Shake and dump contents into a glass. Top with ice and garnish with a nice,fresh mint sprig.

More from Dawn of the Dawg

And there you have it. A delicious, light, and most importantly not orange fall cocktail for you as you spend your day getting really annoyed with friends and family whom you have found a way to be civil to all season long. Thus is the nature of the Georgia-Auburn rivalry. Regardless have a drink, kick back, and try to enjoy another installment of this classic, southern rivalry!


Joey Vargas: As head bartender at American Whiskey NYC, Joey Vargas brings his signature approachable charm to the crafted cocktail. A former Baseball player at USF, and a self-described “shot and a beer guy,” Joey became accidentally enamored with bar tending while working as a bartender at the John Dory Oyster Bar between 2011 and 2013. Wanting a craftsman not simply a mixologist behind the bar, Joey quickly rose through the ranks in NYC. Now, a head bartender at American Whiskey NYC, Joey spends his free time with his kickball team “The Rescue Rangers” and watching his dog Delgado chase squirrels.

Josh Johns: A University of Georgia graduate Josh works for Valiant Comics in New York City. Josh had a Tray Matthews jersey, and feels weird about it to this day. 

Special thanks to American Whiskey, NYC. Your home for the Dawgs in NYC. Located at 247 West 30th street follow them online at, on Twitter at @WhiskeyAmerican, and on Instagram at @AmericanWhikseyNYC