Primarily Georgia shouldn’t go away from the red helmets with the power-G. It’s one of the sports best helmet styles and is a recognizable symbol in-and-of itself. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be left at Butts-Mehre for a weekend or two a year.
Surprisingly to some, to helmet style Georgia has today was not the first hard helmet style Georgia ever used. Originally Wally Butts dressed the Bulldogs in silver helmets.
Many variations were used from 1949-1963 but usually the team wore plain silver helmets with grey face-masks. Sometimes there was a red stripe added, other times there was a red block G.
With the movement of team wearing throwbacks, why hasn’t Georgia brought silver helmets back as a throwback?
A true throwback would be interesting to see, but a retro-modern style would be sufficient as well. The helmets could be silver, with a red or black power-G and a red stripe down the middle.
But don’t go crazy like in 2011 and use an over-sized red stripe with a multi-colored face-mask. That’s a tad extreme.
Besides that, black or white helmets could be worn as well, but as non-traditional helmets they probably shouldn’t appear too often.
Helmet list
Primary: Red helmet/power-G
Secondary: Silver helmet/power-G
Throwback: Silver helmet