What type of player is he?
Don’t let the rankings fool you. Walthour is more than just the 631st best player in the country. He is going to need to spend some time in the weight room to really become a defensive tackle in this system. But if he’s able to do that and keep his quickness, Walthour could be a real find for UGA.
He plays the game with a great deal of intensity and has a solid motor. Walthour isn’t the kind of player who is going to get much attention from fans. But he is the kind of guy who is going to do a lot of the dirty work that needs to be done on the defensive front.
The quickness is there for everyone to see. He can clearly beat interior linemen with that and his agility. The issue is going to be that he played last year at around the 270lb mark. That weight isn’t going to fly in the SEC unfortunately. His motor however is impressive and that’s something you can’t really teach big guys. That gives me he confidence that he’s a player who will improve during his time in Athens and is well suited for a role in our defensive line rotation.
Walthour does have the frame to add weight. He can get bigger and if he does it in the right way, he should be able to keep that quickness. Some believe that he’s going to end up at defensive end because of his size. I disagree, I think that he can get to 300lbs given time. If he does, I firmly expect him to be an interior lineman for the Dawgs.