Herschel Walker
What might be the most obvious choice is the last Dawg to lead Georgia to a national title in 1980, Herschel Walker. He is an icon among Georgia fans and anyone who loves college football, so that he could be a solid choice.
Not to mention, he is currently and that would give him some good publicity. However, that could also be why he won’t be a choice because there are some things that go along with running for office and being on TV — as in if he is on TV, his opponent could request they get the same time, and that would cause for some boring GameDay picks.
Anyway, no more politics. Let’s focus on why Walker would be a great guest picker.
He is one of the greatest Dawgs ever to don the red and black, Walker is a former Heisman Trophy winner and he is someone that hasn’t been on the show yet.
At the same time, he would provide insight into the game because he played it. I believe his personality would match well with the guys on the show, especially Corso. Walker has that it-factor that screams college football, so why not have him on one of the biggest shows about the sport?
Even though it is a logical choice for ESPN, at the same time, it’s almost too obvious. The Dawgs have a ton of famous alumni, so that they could be looking for someone different. Getting someone out of the box is fine, but they must make sure they are popular.
Sometimes I feel like the Dawgs have gotten the short end of the stick, and other schools get cool guest pickers, so come on, ESPN, show Georgia some better love.