Georgia Football social media does it again. Last night all over social media Georgia football released a hype video for Fall camp.
This hype trailer had the Oppenheimer film as its inspiration. So someone in the social media offices definitely went to see Barbie and Oppenheimer.
I’m not sure what the insinuation is here. Is Georgia Oppenheimer or the atomic bomb? I guess, I would hope they would be Oppenheimer, “destroyer of worlds”.
Georgia social media has done a great job recently doing these hype trailers. Every single one gets me ready to run through a wall. Expect the one before the National Championship last year with coach Dooley narrating. That got me a little teary-eyed.
But anyway, they did a great job on this one, I’m ready for football. I know y’all are too.
Georgia plans to destroy everyone’s season and win its third title in a row.