Georgia Football: Hype video made for going back to school

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA - JANUARY 10: Georgia Bulldogs mascot Uga X sits on the sidelines in the second quarter of the game against the Alabama Crimson Tide during the 2022 CFP National Championship Game at Lucas Oil Stadium on January 10, 2022 in Indianapolis, Indiana. (Photo by Carmen Mandato/Getty Images)
INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA - JANUARY 10: Georgia Bulldogs mascot Uga X sits on the sidelines in the second quarter of the game against the Alabama Crimson Tide during the 2022 CFP National Championship Game at Lucas Oil Stadium on January 10, 2022 in Indianapolis, Indiana. (Photo by Carmen Mandato/Getty Images) /

Georgia football is making hype videos for going back to school?

I wish they did this for me when I was attending UGA. However, I would take Kirby Smarts’ pre-game speeches for Georgia football every morning when walking on north campus. “You wanna eat?” “Show me!”

Could you imagine if Kirby Smart had to prep his players for a test? Pencils might be thrown at them.

“I want you to break this test, I mean break this test and make it never want to test you again”!

The University of Georgia wants to be a place of higher learning. Striving great academic achievement in all studies. It’s not elite. We are number #15 in the country right now. You are either Elite or you’re not!  If the university is going to sit there and say they want to be this great academic institution, maybe they should just make Kirby Smart the president.

Sorry Jere Morehead, we love you, but Kirby is going to put us above MIT, Harvard, and Yale.

All in good fun. But for some reason this made me want to go back to school. So good job by the PR team. I still have nightmares about not having a blue book for a final exam. I wonder if the players ever have dreams where Kirby yells at them in class on his microphone?

Anyway, good luck to all the Dawgs out there who are going to classes right now. Remember it gets better in September.

“Thinking about our opportunity, all the studying you went through this week to get ready for this test, now is when you pay the price!”

Better never rest!

Next. ESPN analyst says this will be the downfall of the Dawgs. dark